Announcing the England Pickleball League Championships

Pickleball England are delighted to announce that 2025 will see the inaugural England Pickleball League (EPL) finals to find the best club team in England.

Between 12 and 16 club teams will attend the finals.  They will be the best teams from the regional leagues that are being run across the country.  

The regional/sub-regional leagues currently being run or in the process of being set up are:

Already underway:

  1. SEPL – South East  (32 teams)
  2. KESPL – Kent & East Sussex (24 teams)
  3. NWPL –  North West (32 teams)

Starting early 2025 (number of teams to be confirmed)

  1. NEPL – North East (including Yorkshire league, 21 teams) 
  2. SWPL – South West (24 teams)

The format for the EPL finals will follow that of the regional leagues with rally scoring and dream-breakers in round-robin divisions, followed by a knock-out stage to determine the 2025 EPL Champions.

The finals are expected to be held over a weekend in July.  More information on timing, location and format will follow.

In 2025 the EPL finals will be a pilot event to establish the concept, to help build out the Regional Leagues and to determine the enthusiasm for it.   If it is successful the intention will be to grow both the EPL and Regional Leagues (and/or sub-regional leagues) to include more club teams at different levels. 

If you wish to volunteer to support your existing regional league or assist to get a new one off the ground, please also contact your regional director. Details of all PbE regional directors can be found via: