2024 Skechers English OPEN

What a week! The English OPEN is the must attend event and the biggest pickleball tournament outside of the USA!

Click here for Frequently Asked Questions and here for the Tournament Programme.

The results are all reflected in PETS (see red button below), except for the Junior, Wheelchair and Men’s Challenge Events.  Those results are below.




The largest tournament outside of the USA!

The 2024 Skechers English OPEN pickleball tournament was epic! 7 days of events, 1,976 competitors from 45 countries, from 8-80 years and novice to professional player.  5755 games played in 123 brackets.  8 American Pro players; 13 APP Next Generation Pro Players; 4 Senior Pro Players, all helped to push all the players in their brackets to dig deep. Our own Mollie Knaggs won the Gold in the Women’s Pro Singles in a stand out performance. We have received lots of wonderful feedback from players and sponsors/partners about the event.  This was the 3rd largest tournament in the world and the largest outside of the USA.  Thank you to everyone that helped us achieve that.  The highlight video below will give everyone an opportunity to relive the excitement!  

We had a packed schedule for the week!

2023’s English OPEN had 1059 players and games were played from 9am-10pm. The only way we could increase capacity is to add days.  Plus 10pm was too long a day for our volunteers and even if players start later in the day, no-one is at their best late in the evening.  

So, we decided to hold the 2024 English OPEN over 7 days!  This created greater capacity, enabling us to accept registrations for almost 2,000 players over the 7 days!  

As it turned out Friday and Saturday night were late nights – the sheer volume of matches meant that there were bound to be some delays!

Can you believe that we ended up with a total of 1,998 registrations (after we added some players to cover for injury/withdrawals).  Just 2 off of 2,000 players!

146 event brackets and almost 6,000 games completed.

Ages range from 7-83 years.  43% under 50 years and 57% over 50 years of age. 

42% entrants female and 58% male. Virtually the same as last year.


Official Photos from the event

Beat Media Group took hundreds of photos of players at the English OPEN.  They have been sorted by day, so that you only have to search on the day you attended to see if they captured one of you!  We have included a few examples below to show how great the photos are. Here is the link to the PbE Google Drive.

Photo Booth digital copies

146 Events resulted in 174 singles medals and 528 doubles medals being awarded.  You can see all the photos here.  Please note that the medallist photos are in amongst the player fun photos. There are a few below that were taken when the machine was out of order.


The English OPEN wouldn't be possible without our sponsors.

This year we have 21 sponsors.  We will be  creating a page to feature them all.  When that is ready we will add the link here.

All 2024 English OPEN Results have been sent to DUPR

If you didn’t provide your DUPR Id at registration, DUPR will have set up a DUPR Id for you using the email address you used to sign up for the event. Take a look at this article on how to claim an account on DUPR.
If you already had an account and your results have gone to a new one, you can reach out to support@mydupr.com and get those accounts merged into one.

PbE Statement about Ratings

When registration for the tournament closed we did a review of all entries and checked that no-one’s DUPR is .5 above their self assessed rating. This created a list of about 50 players that we looked closer at.  We looked at previous results, medals won, DUPR rating among other things.  If after the review we thought that the player should be moved, we sent them an email notifying them – see copy of email below sent to the impacted players.There were lots of players that were new to tournaments and no DUPR ratings – there wasn’t anything we could do about that since they were unknown to us.  We just want players to know that we do take this seriously.  DUPR have been sent all the tournament results so everyone will have a DUPR rating coming out of the event.  

Thank you for registering for the 2024 English OPEN.  We are looking forward to welcoming you to the tournament.  If you came last year, we are hoping that we recreate the magic and provide a great tournament experience.
If this is your first experience of the English OPEN, we hope to knock your socks off when you attend the event.

We have always strived to provide a fair tournament, so we include a review of registrations into our process.  

The Tournament Committee have completed the review which looks at all registered players current DUPR rating against player’s self assessed rating.  We recognise that some players registered several months agoand their game may have improved in the intervening period.

You are receiving this email because your current DUPR against your self assessed rating was significantly higher.  
This triggered an in depth review for each of the players that were shown to be at least half a rating higher than their self assessed rating.
If the DUPR is a lot higher, we then look at the events you have entered. If the rating is too low for your DUPR rating, we mark your entry to assess further.
During the assessment we look at if you have entered at that rating/age or higher rating previously and look at your prior results.  
If you have Gold medalled at the same event previously and your DUPR rating is higher, you will be moved up to the next rating level.
If you have not medalled at the same event, we then take a look at the confidence of your DUPR rating.  If it is less than 40% we don’t take any action unless we have personal knowledge of your game. If it is higher thenwe look further at other tournament results  run by different organisations.

This email is notification that we are moving you to another event.  This will trigger an impact on your partner.  Once we have moved you, we will partner you up with your partner again but we ask that you check with them to make sure that they are comfortable playing in the high rated event.  If they are not, we ask that they email info@pickleballengland.org to ask to be partnered with someone else.  We need to complete all the partnering process by Monday so there is not a lot of time for people to choose to go back to their original event.

We recognise that you may be disappointed by this action but for the English OPEN to be a fair tournament, we need to do everything to ensure that, which includes taking some uncomfortable decisions.  As players, we know that the best games are had when everyone is playing at the same level.  We are confident that you will have some great games.

2024 English OPEN committee

The table below shows what ratings level can enter events at