World Pickleball Games

World Pickleball Games - Austin Pickle Ranch - May 2023

WPF World Pickleball Games is the first true team competition in pickleball, where each competing country’s federation selects a team of up to 9 players and a coach to represent their country in the competition. This competition demonstrates that pickleball is getting ready for the Olympics.

Each country’s team is comprised of a minimum of 4 men, 4 women and a maximum of 6 men and 6 women.

The team format consists of men’s doubles and singles, women’s doubles and singles, along with mixed doubles.

Pickleball has always been represented by both men and women in tournaments. WPF will continue to reinforce this tradition in team competition as it is unique to pickleball.

PickleballEngland has created a selection policy and is currently putting together a WPG Committee to focus on putting in place a selection process for the England team.  More information as soon as it is ready.