We have some great gift ideas for all budgets
What Christmas gift do you buy the person with everything? Or what do you buy someone dear to you that is a pickleball addict? Rob Williams has written a blog with some great ideas with very modest price tags. You can check it out by clicking on the link in the section below.
For the largest range of paddles, balls and other pickleball equipment, visit the UK Pickleball Shop website – there is a paddle there to suit every budget or special requirement (e.g handle length, weight requirement, touch and control or power). If you don’t want the pressure of choosing the right paddle you could always opt for a gift voucher so that your loved one can choose their own!
Chris and I have been playing pickleball since 2015, so I have 7 years experience buying Christmas gifts for my pickleball obsessed husband! I have bought gifts that have never been used and gifts that he didn’t know he needed but would not be without!
Two most of the most used, non paddle, gifts:
Practical ball pick up basket. Allows you to pick up balls without bending down but also doubles as a stand for the basket of balls to feed training or to practically store your balls when not being used. This Wilson one on Amazon is just £27.50.
Pickleball Medal rack. If your loved one has won any medals this pickleball rack is a fabulous way to display them. Chris now has 3 medal racks full of medals, so I might have to buy another one this year! This one on Amazon is just £20.99.
More expensive investments to consider. If you want to be able to practice on your own but you don’t have a suitable wall to use, you could consider buying a training wall. UK Pickleball Shop have got a special introductory offer of £199 for their branded Pickle Wall. Or Rally-ball have one that they have been displaying at the English Open and Nationals.
If you want a gift that will be helpful to a pickleball players game but that is not obviously pickleball related, I would recommend the Oculus Quest 2. Scan, one of our fabulous sponsors, sell this for £399.98 so is quite an expensive purchase but it is so much fun. It is helpful to pickleballers because there are games that you can play that are all about hand eye co-ordination. My particular favourite is Beat Saber. You play this game to some incredible music but you are also training your hand and eye co-ordination moving up the different levels of difficulty. I confess I get as much of an endorphin playing that game as I do playing pickleball and I swear it has improved the speed of my hand reactions. Chris likes playing games on the headset but he really loves visiting different places in the world from Maccu Picchu in Peru to the Great Barrier Reef to the amazing scenery of New Zealand where his son is living. We also like to have a competition between ourselves on ‘Coaster Combat’ roller coasters in different settings, e.g. the Himilayas, Harry Potter style castle, Klondike gold mine and a pirate setting. I love this game, especially as I was the first to achieve all the trophies on all the rides!! The first time I rode the virtual roller coaster I thought I might be sick but now, I love the sensation of a virtual roller coaster as I know I am safe! We don’t use it as much in the summer but when the nights draw in, it is a go to escape from just sitting watching the tv – this isn’t a gift for one person it is a gift for the whole family! We ordered ours from Scan and could not believe it when it was delivered the next day!
Rob Williams has got 10 great gift and stocking filler ideas in his blog here.
If have other great pickleball related ideas not covered, please put them in the comments below.
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