Greater London is too big an area to be incorporated into Pickleball England’s South East (North) or South East (South) administrative areas so London has been split using the River Thames with Christine Neydorff, Regional Director South East (North) taking north of the river and Dave Hughes, Regional Director South East (South) taking south of the river.
As announced at the recent AGM, Pickleball England would like to recruit a group of players to be London ambassadors to support the Regional Directors. All volunteers need to have been on the Pickleball Leaders Certification or will be put through the Certification so that they are equipped with the knowledge and skills to run taster sessions.  
The intention is to create a communications group so we can contact the ambassadors with dates, times and venues and ask who is free. We also need someone to coordinate activity and liaise with the regional directors and county reps.
If you are interested to find out more or to volunteer, please complete this short form.

London Ambassador

For example, are you interested in supporting taster sessions of a certain demographic? You would only want to volunteer in a support role rather than lead role.