PickleballEngland logo design competition

PickleballEngland (pbE) would like to create a new logo for our association.
pbE would like to invite all members to participate in a competition to create the new logo.
Submissions are welcomed from any club or individual.
The brief
The design should incorporate and reflect the following:-
The English flag colours of red and white
A representation of pickleball in some form
The pbE values of respect, ambition, inclusion, teamwork, focus and excellence
A simple and stylish modern design
In submitting your design, you acknowledge that the pbE will have full rights over the design.
The BOD of pbE retains the right to make the final decision on the choice of logo.
The BOD of pbE may take elements from different submissions to incorporate into a
final design.
Submissions should be received by the pbE BOD by 28th July 2021.
The prize for the winning submission(s) will be in the form of a pickleball related vouchers or prize.
The details
In submitting your design, you acknowledge that the pbE will have full rights over the design
The Board of Directors of pbE retains the right to make the final decision on the choice of logo
The Board of Directors of pbE may take elements from different submissions to incorporate into a final design
Entries should be submitted to info@pickleballengland.org and should be received before end of day, 26th July 2021
The prize for the winning submission(s) will be in the form of pickleball related vouchers or prizes