English Open Newsletter 1

English OPEN Newsletter Issue 1

Well done to all the medal winners last weekend at the German Open!  We have placed our order for medals and are finalising the design for the English OPEN free t-shirt among other remaining items on our project plan.  We are looking forward to welcoming you all to the David Ross Sports Village at University of Nottingham in just over a month!

A few housekeeping items for your review:

  1. We would ask you to review the information on your registration to ensure that everything is correct. It is important that both your mobile number and email address are up to date. 
  2. If you haven’t got a partner yet, we recommend that you take a look at the Players Needing a Partner page on https://www.pickleballtournaments.com/tournamentinfo.pl?tid=2664 the capability enables you to make contact with players via email by clicking on the envelope on the left of the player’s name.  If you have a partner lined up but they are yet to register, then please make sure that they do so before the deadline (31stJuly) to guarantee your entry.
  3. If you haven’t paid yet, we ask you to take care of that asap. If you have difficulty processing payment via pickleballtournaments.com you can remit payment directly to Pickleball England’s bank account:

Sort Code: 52-41-00     Account: 47518871

IBAN: GB05NWBK52410047518871   BIC: NWBKGB2L

Or via PayPal: karen@pickleballengland.org   Merchant Account Id: L5NDLD7DWSBSN

Please include your name with the payment and email us confirmation that you have paid.


If you haven’t made accommodation arrangements yet, please do.  Nottingham is a busy city.  We secured some rooms at special rates.  We are not sure how many are left but there are definitely a few more rooms available at the halls of residence.  Here is the link to the accommodation information: https://www.pickleballengland.org/nottingham-hotel-accommodation/

We have also been recently advised that the nearest camping opportunity is at Holme Pierrepoint, who will give you a 10% discount if you use the code nottsuni.


David Ross Sports Village, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, NG7 2RD

The Sports Village has 4 Sports Halls with 5 courts in each with a viewing balcony that can seat up to 200 people.  There are the usual facilities of changing rooms with toilets, showers and lockers.  There is an on-site Starbucks café.  We will be creating a Players Lounge using a conference room so that there is somewhere to hang out, eat food, charge your phone, play some games (yes, we will be providing some fun games to help you let off steam!).


In a concerted effort to make the English OPEN more sustainable and to help tournament players consider their use of single use plastics, plastic drink bottles will not be available at the English OPEN. Instead we recommend players use a reusable water bottle. Water bottles can be refilled for free at water fountains at the venue.

The David Ross Sports Village also has plenty of separate bins for mixed recycling and landfill rubbish. 


Wednesday 21st August

8am-12 noon  –  IPTPA Rating Specialist training [pre-registration/payment required]

Thursday 22nd August

8am – 5pm –  IPTPA Teach the Teacher Training [pre-registration/payment required]
2pm – 7pm –  Open Court practice

Friday 23rd August

9am-7pm –  Open Court practice
Free Clinics –  [specific timings to be advised nearer the time]
12 Noon –  Welcome/Registration Desk Open
1pm –          Singles Events Commences
6-8pm –      Pickleball England AGM to be held at the De Vere Orchard Hotel

Saturday 24th August

8am-9am –  Welcome/Registration Desk Open
9am-6pm –  Men’s Doubles and Women’s Doubles events
6.30pm-8pm – WPF Drinks Reception to be held at the De Vere Orchard Hotel

Sunday 25th August

8am – 9am Registration Desk Open
9am – 6pm Mixed Doubles events
7pm – 11pm Post Tournament Party to be held at the De Vere Orchard Hotel

There are still 13 days left for players to registerfor the tournament, so if you have friends that have been thinking about it, please encourage them to enter.  All ages and skill levels can enter – we want everyone to enjoy the tournament, whether it is their first tournament or if they are seasoned tournament players.


We will issue two more updates between now and the tournament providing more useful information.

Please take a moment to like our Facebook page so that you get updates relating to the event. Hashtags for the event are #2019englishopen #pickleballengland #robinhood


We want to acknowledge the support of our kind sponsors.

We look forward to welcoming you to the English OPEN tournament next month.