Club Leaders Panel

As pickleball is expanding rapidly and we are starting to hear that clubs are having to manage different challenges. 

pbE is committed to help grow pickleball from the grassroots and as we progress with the recognition process with Sport England, we acknowledge that we need to have in place some more formal channels to communicate with Clubs. 

Therefore, we propose to create a Club Leaders Panel which will enable two way communication between the Clubs and pbE Leadership.  

There will be two parts to the panel:

1.  What’sApp group

This would connect club leaders together to share useful information, discuss any issues that arise in the running of a club or the setting up of a new club. We hope that this group will become a community, fostering relationships across the country.  There will be at least one pbE Board Member on this group.

2.  Panel meeting via Zoom

In this meeting we can discuss topics in more depth as well as sharing any new developments in pickleball that Club leaders should be aware of.

Robert Rosenfield from the NW has volunteered to lead this initiative, scheduling the meetings and identifying the actions and follow ups.

We will have at least one Board member at the meeting to represent the Board so that if the panel identifies things that pbE should be focussing on, the Board member can share if anything is being done already or take the recommendation to the Board.

We hope that you will sign up to be part of the Club Leaders Panel – simply fill in the form below and help shape this panel.

Club Leaders Panel

First name and Surname
The County the club is located in
  • North East
  • North West
  • East Midlands
  • West Midlands
  • South East
  • South West
  • Wales
Please select the Region you are in from the drop down options.
You can insert a range if you are not sure
You can list as many topics as you like but please put them in priority order.