2023 Director Nomination Process

DEADLINE: 9th January, 2024 

In line with our Articles of Association at each Annual General Meeting one-third of the Members of the board (excluding independent Members of the Board) or if their number is not three, or a multiple of three, then the number nearest one-third shall retire from office.  

Retiring Members are eligible for re-election.  Nominations are invited for the following positions on the Board of Directors:

  • One (1) National Director to be elected for a three (3) year term (2023-2026)


  • Three (4) Regional Directors to be elected for a three (3) year term (2022-2025):
    • South East Region (N), South East Region (S, West Midlands and East Midlands Region
    • CLICK HERE to see details of Regions and Counties therein

To continue with the development of pickleballEngland the Board needs members with the appropriate skills, board experience and knowledge to operate successfully at strategic level.  

A summary of the duties and responsibilities of a director and the code of conduct are available to download here: pbE Director Role and Responsibilities.

Members who can bring significant relevant sport, business and governance capability to the Boardroom to complement the skills and knowledge of the existing directors, along with a good knowledge and understanding of pickleball, are particularly welcome. For the National Director, we are looking for  strategic thinkers with either a sports/events background; digital transformation experience, venue infrastructure or fundraising background. 

The nomination form must carry the following information:

  • Candidate’s name and pbE number.
  • The position applied for.
  • The names, pbE member numbers and original signatures of at least 10 individual members, all of whom must be aged 18 or above, current members of pbE and from within the region – to download the nomination form, click here.
  • A current passport approved photo of the candidate.
  • A completed ‘pen portrait’ form of no more than 300 words, outlining the candidate’s qualifications, experience and suitability for the strategic post of director of the Association, which is also a company limited by guarantee. Please note that any written submission containing more than 300 words will be cut at 300 words, regardless of what follows.  To download the ‘pen portrait’ form, click here
  • A daytime contact telephone number.

All completed nomination forms must be emailed to pbe2023election@pickleballengland.org  and  must be received by the date specified. Any nominations received after this date will be discarded without exception.

The following conditions apply:

  • There is no limit to the number of nominations for each position.
  • All candidates must be 18 years of age or over.
  • All regional nominees must be resident in the region for which they are being nominated.
  • Any nominations that are incomplete, do not comply with the above rules, or that, in the opinion of the Electoral Officer following consultation with pbE management, contain false or misleading information will be discarded.
  • No extra publicity for any candidate will be permitted outside of his or her own ‘pen portrait’ posted on the pbE website.